Rønnie James Diø (10 de julio de 1942-16 de mayø de 2010).
1 comentario:
Some stories ,lace wedding gown 2010 some dream some feelings, some sad some decadent, a little lonely
sad so many have so many helpless like the umbrella, in the absence of the streets,lace wedding gown 2010, in the rhythm of days of rain With sadness like marching moonlight, winding lanes in the mosaic, its low taste sings like a lonely person looking out the window, watching the sun's glow slowly dissipate in time more time to just get used to a person accustomed to the blurred look out the window of those stories perhaps, some things that make me feel the anxious,lace wedding gown 2010, just because your lonely and sad
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1 comentario:
Some stories ,lace wedding gown 2010
some dream
some feelings, some sad
some decadent, a little lonely
sad so many have so many helpless
like the umbrella, in the absence of the streets,lace wedding gown 2010, in the rhythm of days of rain With sadness
like marching moonlight, winding lanes in the mosaic, its low taste
sings like a lonely person looking out the window, watching the sun's glow slowly dissipate in time
more time to just get used to a person accustomed to the blurred look out the window of those stories
perhaps, some things that make me feel the anxious,lace wedding gown 2010, just because your lonely and sad
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