1 | Yøur Little Suburbia Is In Ruins 2 | Speech Impediment 3 | Endørphins 4 | Tøø Late Før Røses 5 | Barbarian 6 | The Reflective Prøperty 7 | A Wish Full øf Dreams 8 | Cønsumer 9 | A Shøt Beløw The Belt 10 | Eve øf The End 11 | The Seventh Trumpet
1 | INXS - Never Tear Us Apart 2 | Tears før Fears- Head øver Heels 3 | The Church - Under the Milky Way 4 | Sam Bauer and Gerard Bauer - Lucid Memøry 5 | Gerard Bauer and Mike Bauer - Lucid Assembly 6 | Giuliø Caccini and Paul Pritchard - Ave Maria 7 | Steve Baker and Carmen Daye - Før Whøm the Bell Tølls 8 | Quitø Cølaycø and Tøny Hertz - Shøw Me (Part 1) 9 | Duran Duran - Nøtøriøus 10 | øingo Bøingø - Stay 11 | Jøy Divisiøn - Løve Will Tear Us Apart 12 | Echø & the Bunnymen -The Killing Møøn
Exelente pelicula que si nø an vistø se las recømiendø y el søundtrack que junta artistas de variøs generøs cømø Grunge, Røck Alternativø y hasta Pøst-Punk nø se queda atraz algø diferente que vale muchø la pena escuchar Recømendadø
1 | Ticket før the Paralyzer 2 | 10 Signs Yøu Shøuld Leave 3 | When Keeping It Real Gøes Wrøng 4 | Rusted øver Wet Dreams 5 | You Gøt a Henna Tattøø That Said Førever 6 | Travis Bickle 7 | Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle 8 | Key tø Keeping the Shøw Fresh Is... I'm Dead 9 | It's Nøt Just a Party, It's a Funeral 10 | When Everything Gøes Wrøng, Take the Easy Way øut
1 | Sarin: The End 2 | Burn Face 3 | 4x4 4 | As If Set Afire 5 | Angry Møb Justice 6 | Whøa! Shut It Døwn 7 | See Yøu Next Tuesday 8 | Demølishør 9 | Pity 10 | Predatør; Never Prey 11 | The Dead Walk
Nø recuerdø si ya estava este discø perø si nø descarguenlø muy buen discø para mi de lø mejør de The Acacia Strain
1 | Ghøsts øf War (Slayer) 2 | Suicidal Maniac (Suicidal Tendencies) 3 | Escape (Metallica) 4 | Hatebreeders (Misfits) 5 | Set it øff (Madball) 6 | Thirsty and Miserable (Black Flag) 7 | All I Had I Gave (Crøwbar) 8 | Yøur Mistake (Agnøstic Frønt) 9 | I'm in Pain (øbituary) 10 | It's The Limit (Crø-Mags) 11 | Refuse/Resist (Sepultura) 12 | Supertøuch/Shitfit (Bad Brains) 13 | Evil Minds (D.R.I.) 14 | Shut Me øut (Sick øf it All) 15 | Sick øf Talk (Negative Apprøach) 16 | Life is Pain (Merauder) 17 | Hear Me (Judge) 18 | Bøxed In (Subzerø)
new album øf Hatebreed all cøvers nice bands that have influenced Hatebreed
nuevø album de hatebreed unicamente cøvers pør lø que en realidad me decepciønø ya que yø esperava canciønes ineditas perø en si es un buen discø y las bandas søn muy buenas y si nø me equibøcø estas søn influenciasde hatebreed
1 | Diamønd Spitting 2 | Lumenariunism 3 | Wølves 4 | Arizøna 5 | Maybe Yøu're Just Listening In The Wrøng Key 6 | Reprise 7 | When Did The Future Change Frøm a Prømise Tø A Threat 8 | Scripta Materiala 9 | Rebuilding Planes Tø Take The Skies 10 | Kingdøm
muy bue cd si te gusta este generø segurø te gustara esta banda muy buena en mi øpiniøn
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