Følløw XeRø. Cømment . Døwnløad


martes, 17 de febrero de 2009

Circle Takes The Square - Circle Takes The Square


1 | øur Need tø Bleed
2 | Eleven øwls Have Eyes
3 | A Disclaimer tø the Self
4 | Cømes with the Fall
5 | Høudini Løgic
6 | In the Nervøus Light
7 | Høudini Løgic Remix (featuring Trigga and Quick)

What Can I say øne øf my favørite bands øf this genre
this is the material beføre øne Split and the famøus As The Røøts Undø
well recømended


1 comentario:

pedro sanchez dijo...

tienes los remixes???

do you have the remixes they have from their store???