Følløw XeRø. Cømment . Døwnløad


viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2007

As i Lay Dying - Shadøws are Security


1 | Meaning in Tragedy
2 | Cønfined
3 | Løsing Sight
4 | The Darkest Nights
5 | Empty Hearts
6 | Reflectiøn
7 | Repeating Yesterday
8 | Thrøugh Struggle
9 | The Truth øf My Perceptiøn
10 | Cøntrøl is Dead
11 | Mørning Waits
12 | Illusiøns

Exelente discø de esta banda de christian Metalcøre cuanta cøn participaciønes de Zaø,trøwdøwn y de nø inøcent victim buenø Buen material recømendadø


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